I just picked up a Romanian 1/2 size violin today. Some pictures of it follow.

The label says it is made in Reghin Romania 


Lower on the label (not visible in pictures) it says: "I. P. Bv 40.

Shining a snake light through the f-hole and using a mobile phone we managed to get a couple of shots of the bass bar and the violin's own little dust bunny. The sound post is not set straight and is making poor contact with the violins back. That will be one of the first thigs to fix. It also came with a full size bridge that was not even carved to fit the violin table.

Label and dust bunny 

Bass bar and sound post

Reghin is considered the city of violins in Romania. See

In contrast to the link  above informing us that that Hora and Gliga are the only violin making companies in Reghin, there are apparently many, and here is just one of them. 

I am not sure who made this violin. I think from what I can see of the apparent age of its interior it is around 30-50 years old. I found one described similarly (full size though) played on YouTube.


. .

I've orders a nice set of 1/2 size strings for it and a new - seasoned maple - 1/2 size bridge blank. I already have a new sound post ready to carve to size. 


More to follow once I've fixed it up. 


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