
Showing posts from April, 2022

Fixing Student Violins and a Small Cello for Nottingham Music Hub: Sustainability in action

When not editing the Internet Journal of criminology and writing books on science fraud, I repair  violins and cellos for Nottingham Music Hub. Other violins I repair and donate some to self-employed music teachers. I don't charge anything for this work. Nottingham Music Hub is a charitable music organisation. Here are some of this week's patients, a mix of  3/4 size Stentor student violins, one needed the fingerboard re-gluing, the other had pegbox cracked in two, a 1/4 size cello with he bottom half coming unglued and an old 3/4 size Lark violin that needed a sound post crack fixing, the bottom re-gluing at the seam and a new sound post. All need re-touching with the right shade of spirit varnish varnish.  All repaired with traditional hot hide glue.  1/4 Size Stentor Cello - re-glued an open seam. Re-attaching a fingerboard to a 3/4 size Stentor violin Lark - Emerging sound post crack glued on the outside and then clamped Gluing the bottom plate before removing the top (tabl

Compagnon: A JTL (Franch) violin of the late 19th / early 20th century

 This JTL violin will sound lovely when finished. I am currently about to glue an open seam on the bottom. It is going to get a set of geared Witner pegs and a very good bridge. Pirasto Tonica strings will compliment it. And I have a great vintage chinrest I'm going to give it. I am thinking this one is going to become my violin for a while. I'll see how rich and colourful it sounds when done. My ultra fine blade shows the open seam in need of hot hide gluing and clamping. Compagnon hot hide glued and clamped Unfortunately, in its past, some window-licking bozo thought it a good idea to scratch their initials on the back of the scroll of this lovely old violin. So this will have to be very diligently sorted out.  Compagnon corner repair. Initial wood bonded. Corner Repair. Initial wood bonded.

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