Compagnon: A JTL (Franch) violin of the late 19th / early 20th century

 This JTL violin will sound lovely when finished. I am currently about to glue an open seam on the bottom. It is going to get a set of geared Witner pegs and a very good bridge. Pirasto Tonica strings will compliment it. And I have a great vintage chinrest I'm going to give it. I am thinking this one is going to become my violin for a while. I'll see how rich and colourful it sounds when done.

My ultra fine blade shows the open seam in need of hot hide gluing and clamping.

Compagnon hot hide glued and clamped

Unfortunately, in its past, some window-licking bozo thought it a good idea to scratch their initials on the back of the scroll of this lovely old violin. So this will have to be very diligently sorted out. 

Compagnon corner repair. Initial wood bonded.

Corner Repair. Initial wood bonded.


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